To start off, I'd like to introduce my parents;
Dad and
Mom. They work hard to keep our family together and functioning well. Dad's big passion is the Bible, and enjoys teaching us about it and the way it applies to us today. He always has a moment to spend reading a book, answering a math question or playing a game. :) Mom keeps the home running smoothly, always making charts and grafts to make sure everything gets done. She is also the comforter to all the children, the one everyone runs to when they get hurt!

Next comes me, the girl with the blog. :) I have many interests; cake decorating, reading, singing, playing around with arts and crafts, to name a few. My main reason for having
Femininity in a Feminist World is to encourage other young ladies in Biblically living out their youth, as well as to be encouraged myself.
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

This is my brother "Macho Man", the leader of our pack of boys. He is definitely a risk-taker, loves old-fashioned cars, tree houses (during his free time he's usually out making some changes to his own), camouflage outfits and spy-gear. 100% boy, that child is.
Here's "Creative Genius"; our artsy, thoughtful one. He never misses a chance to ask a question, loves collecting things, drawing, building forts and being like our dad in
every way possible. :) We like to think he'll be famous for a great, ingenious work of art one of these days. :)

The last of the 3-pack is "Speed Racer". He is our little love bug, always ready to cuddle. At the same time, he loves climbing trees, rollerblading, roughhousing, playing light sabers and running, running, running. He is also very proud of his curly hair. :)
Then come the ladies, starting with Girly Girl. She loves hair bows, new outfits and
anything pink. I often get compliments from her on my clothes in the morning: "Oh,
Sissy! You look
so cute! Your shirt is
pink!" Of course, living with a bunch of boys makes her prone to talk about cowboys and firefighters, but Mom and I still enjoy the privilege of having another girl personality in the house.

Tagging along is little "Sweetie Pie". She loves being with all the big kids, and repeats just about everything we say! Her vocabulary is growing rapidly, not to mention the heights she can climb. She is very good for practicing your baby book reading on too. :)
~ Serenity